
Agricultural Classified Ads Listing

For Sale - Lilliston 1580 peanut - groundnut harvesters

Date Posted: 07-08-2016
Name: Brandon Chambless
City: Colquitt
State: GA
Country: USA
Phone: 1229-726-3574
Mobile: 1229-726-3574
Email: brandoncbless@gmail.com
Apply Online

We here at South Georgia International Ag Sales, pride ourselves to deliver the very best equipment for your satisfaction at a reasonable price, as well as parts to service your machines! The quality of the equipment is guaranteed to be the best, as well as the customer service and satisfaction!!!
We not only offer harvesters, but diggers-inverters, tillage,tractors, hay equipment,irrigation, and spraying equipment!
Let us get the quality used equipment that looks better than new! 1-229-726-3574 ask for Brandon! Thank you very much and look forward to your business!

Price: $7000 USD
