
Agricultural Classified Ads Listing

For Sale - Plant Transformation

Date Posted: 24-08-2023
Name: Marcia Brady
City: Shirley
State: New York
Country: USA
Phone: 16313868241
Email: contact@creative-biogene.com
Website: https://www.creative-biogene.com/services/plant-transformation-service.html
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Creative Biogene has focused on routine plant tissue culture and genetic transformation to offer customers with high quality service over the past decade. We have transformed major agronomic crops successfully, such as rice, maize, cotton, wheat, barley, and model plants, such as Arabidopsis, tobacco. In addition, Creative Biogene's staffs have extensive experience in the development of transformation protocols for species for which transformation methodologies are not available or are currently inefficient. With the most advanced equipment and professional scientists, we will work closely with you to bring satisfactory plant transformation service for your research.

Price: $1
